Industry News

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What is Bio Fuel ? Part 4 Storage and Supply

What are the implications of using bio-liquids in existing oil storage and supply systems

Findings from the heating oil project have shown that, subject to the use of bio-liquid compatible filters and fire valves, no other modifications...

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What is Bio-Fuel ? – Part 1 The Science Bit

The introduction of bio-liquids into the home heating and cooking markets creates opportunities for a cleaner, sustainable future for the liquid fuelled industry. What is Bio-Liquid Bio- liquid suitable for use in the home heating market are commonly...

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The fight for bio-liquids

The new B30K fuel will be a mix of 30% FAME bio-fuel and 70% kerosene, and can be used on existing oil heating appliances with very few system modifications. It is estimated that carbon emissions from the B30K fuel...